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System monitoring

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#1 rlv


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Posted 15 March 2014 - 03:05 PM

BBLogView 0.0.3 (with source) Author: UnkHz Monitors and displays file content Attached File  bblogview003.zip   24.42KB   34 downloads


BBnetState v0.01 Author: pulse Network monitoring, displays data volumes - in & out

Attached File  bbnetstate001.zip   9.84KB   89 downloads


BBSysmeter 1.0b6 Author: Theo Monitors CPU, SWAP, RAM and drive space. Features various draw types.

Attached File  bbsysmeter10b6.zip   19.65KB   129 downloads


BBSysmon 0.8.1 (with source) Author: Mortar Text based system monitor of CPU, RAM, disk space, and more.

Attached File  bbsysmon081.zip   63.84KB   116 downloads


BBSysmonPlus 0.1.1b Author: ysuke

Attached File  bbsysmonplus011b.zip   64.3KB   75 downloads


BBsysState v0.03 Author: pulse Monitors used CPU and RAM percentage

Attached File  bbsysstate003.zip   10.03KB   65 downloads

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#2 Ritz


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 02:20 AM

I am guessing none of these plugins work with windows 10? I was seeing if I could get one that wasn't rainmeter up but none of them seem to pass compatibility.

#3 pitkon



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Posted 13 January 2017 - 07:33 AM

I am guessing none of these plugins work with windows 10? I was seeing if I could get one that wasn't rainmeter up but none of them seem to pass compatibility.

It's not a matter of OS but of BB version. Some of them do work with Mojmir's build, all of them work with the older (XZero's) build. And if you use bbinterface, that surely works with all builds, then you don't need Rainmeter. It can take over almost any monitoring mission.

#4 okt



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Posted 22 September 2020 - 04:56 AM

Not sure if I should necro this post or make a new one, so I'll start with this. :)


I have yet to see how I can get a CPU stat other than Avg Usage as a percentage. What I would like to replace in my existing Rainmeter configuration is per-core/thread measurement. I do heaps of 3d rendering and like to keep a close eye on the thread usage. Do any of these plugins or plugins you know of expose these specific values to a bbinterface config?


Any thoughts towards GPU statistics?

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#5 pitkon



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Posted 22 September 2020 - 05:47 AM

BBInterface is offering a LOT of CPU stats. Have you tried that?

#6 okt



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Posted 22 September 2020 - 10:56 PM

BBInterface is offering a LOT of CPU stats. Have you tried that?

I have started to redo my setup using BBInterface; Network is working sweet!

However as to these LOT of stats... I cannot find anything else than "CPU Usage" in the menu. Is there some documentation for BBInterface?





Taking a deeper look, I dive into the src for bbinterfaceMod_iTunes which from what I can gather is the most recent version.


In AgentType_SystemMonitor.cpp:

HKEY hkey;
DWORD dwDataSize;
DWORD dwType;
DWORD dwCpuUsage;

RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_DYN_DATA, "PerfStats\\StatData", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey);
dwDataSize = sizeof(dwCpuUsage);
RegQueryValueEx(hkey, "KERNEL\\CPUUsage", NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwCpuUsage, &dwDataSize);

agenttype_systemmonitor_values[SYSTEMMONITOR_TYPE_CPUUSAGE] = ((double)dwCpuUsage)/100;

This seems to only report back the single CPU Usage value as a percentage.


Now I found on Mojmir's repo a commit "+ per core bbi meter (WIP)" which looks like it adds per core measurement.




I even tried to download the bbZero_install_1.18.0-55-g255e_mojmir.rar release which was presumably the build that they were testing for this feature, not working on my machine anyways. Modern Ryzen2 Chip.


Pretty sure I have the appropriate build as the working shell I'm using is bbZero 1.18.0 RC6.


I'll keep poking.

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#7 pitkon



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Posted 23 September 2020 - 11:04 AM

No documentation, I'm afraid, but if you ctrl+right click on a frame you can find many alternatives.

Or you can download any of my themes which include system monitoring https://www.devianta.../pitkon/gallery

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