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bbLeanSkin and other problems

windows bblean 1.17.1 bbleanskin

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#1 junkie



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Posted 18 August 2015 - 08:09 AM

Hi all,


I am in the process of forcing bbLean bbZero down Windows 7's thorat, but it's not going down easy. :)

I have run into a couple of problems, to which I hope some of you will have a solution.


System info:

OS: Windows 7 x64 SP1

Visual style: Windows 7 basic (no aero)

BB: bbLean 1.17.1 bbZero 1.18 rc6

Firefox: 40.0.2 (latest)


Problem #1


Here sou can see an example of an unskinned window. This is a general problem, tool windows that don't have min/max/close button in the titlebar get ignored by bbLeanSkin.



Problem #2


Another problematic window type, some sort of variation of the tool window. You can see, the titlebar hanging out from underneath the BB titlebar, and the frame borders aren't skinned at all (but curiously large).



Problem #3

Attached File  problem2.png   9.14KB   4 downloads


When using Windows 7's window snapping (left/right, top/bottom), strange margins appear around windows, and they don't occupy all of the desktop.

Partially fixed, now the margin is narrower, but still there. See updated pic.


Problem #4

Attached File  problem4.png   4.15KB   2 downloads


Maximized windows have top borders, but no side borders. Still present.


Problem #5


Volume up/down hotkeys don't work. It's a combo: FN + F11/F12, but works flawlessly with explorer as shell. Every other media combo works (e.g. screen brightness is FN + F5/F6), but the volume up/down. Still present.



Problem #6


Firefox maximize/restore doesn't work as expected. Maximizing works, but pressing restore makes the window flicker once and the window stays maximized. I can only grab the window border and resize it. This is only Firefox, didn't notice this kind of behavior with other apps.



Problem #7


I would _really_ like to use the edge flipping plugin (listed on xoblite.net), but it complains something about an entrypoint not found in msvcrt.dll. I have installed every version of Microsoft VC++ redist package known to man (2005, 2008, 2010, 2013), but the error persists. Still present.


Problem #8


There is no bbLeanBar in this build, there's only the vanilla blackbox "toolbar", which is dumb AF. For starters, it only displays the title of the current window and has zero config options. How do I get back the taskbar functionality?

My mistake, BlackboxBar.


Problem #9

Attached File  problem1.png   17KB   0 downloads


This is new. Blackbox related windows don't get decorated Update: not just BB related, e.g. Windows Media Player don't get skinned either.

#2 pitkon



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Posted 18 August 2015 - 09:11 AM

First of all, bblean is quite OLD! Download mojmir's latest BBZero build and see how it goes. I believe most of the above problems will vanish, though we may have to see again the bbleanskin (blackboxskin now) issue. For starters, disable Aero and try again.

#3 junkie



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Posted 18 August 2015 - 10:43 AM

Okay, I've replaced bbLean with bbZero, as you suggested. Updated first post. Some problems are fixed, but not all.

Problems #5 and #9 are the dealbreakers right now.

Any more ideas? :)


PS. Aero was already off, as I was using the "basic" style, which has none of the transparency and eyecandy. Unfortunately, all hardvare acceleration is disabled with basic themes, so no vsync either :(

But that's another story.

#4 junkie



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Posted 18 August 2015 - 11:05 AM

Windows Media Player and Task manager fixed (removed them from exclusions).

Still need a fix for BB related windows.

#5 pitkon



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Posted 18 August 2015 - 11:07 AM

Okay, I've replaced bbLean with bbZero, as you suggested. Updated first post. Some problems are fixed, but not all.

Problems #5, #8 and #9 are the dealbreakers right now.

Any more ideas? :)


PS. Aero was already off, as I was using the "basic" style, which has none of the transparency and eyecandy. Unfortunately, all hardvare acceleration is disabled with basic themes, so no vsync either :(

But that's another story.

#5 There is a topic here about this - sorry, can't recall where, you'll have to dig a bit. Not using 7 myself, can't help there.

#8 No bbleanbar? (Blackboxbar now). Can't be.

#9 Open exceptions.rc in your blackboxskin folder and include all checked out items you want to add. Some of the exceptions should remain as they are, however, since some apps are skinned by default.

#6 pitkon



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Posted 18 August 2015 - 11:10 AM

About #4 Open your style files and look for the line (or add it) window.frame.borderWidth: I use a number of 4, you can choose more or less.

#7 junkie



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Posted 18 August 2015 - 11:45 AM

Thanks, I will look around about volume keys.


I already have window.frame.borderWidth set to "1", there is a nice 1pix border all around regular, non-maximized windows. Seems like maximization doesn't take into account the border width when resizing the window frame. This kind of inconsistency is probably a bug. Either draw borders all around the maximized window, or draw no borders at all. This "only draw borders on top" is kinda weird.


I've just stumbled upon another serious bug:


Problem #10 Attached File  problem3.png   20.97KB   3 downloads


When transparency is enabled for BlackboxBar, the mouse clicks on solid surfaces fall through, i.e. don't do squat. But when transparency is disabled, you can click anywhere and it will be registered.

With transparency, you have to click on either text or bitmap pixels for the click to be registered, which is quite difficult, and counter-productive.

Does mojmir accept bugreports? :)

#8 pitkon



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Posted 18 August 2015 - 01:09 PM

Yes, mojmir accepts (and usually tackles) any kind of bugreports :D

#9 junkie



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Posted 18 August 2015 - 04:04 PM

Bug reported in bbzero thread.

#5 tackled, tutorial posted.

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