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It's Been Too Long...

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#1 pitkon



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Posted 10 August 2023 - 06:38 AM

Hi, everyone. Hope you all are fine!

I know this site has been inactive for a long time. This is due to the fact that things have happened both to me and my beloved persons and I've been away for months. I won't bore you with details, suffice to say that I am back in action and I'm working on new themes based on xoblite RC5 which I will upload both here and on DaviantArt.

The most exciting thing in the world of Blackbox right now is, of course, xoblite - the only BB branch still active thanks to the efforts of my good friend Karl (qwilk) who not only revived Blackbox with 8 color gradients, curved edges and all that, but created some wonderful plugins for his build. Unfortunately, these plugins do not include window skinning, so xoblite is really lacking in that department. If there are developers out there among you, please contact me or Karl; we really need you guys.

Now that I mentioned Karl, I must admit he is kind of MIA right now (Missing In Action). He doesn't respond to my mail, so I hope he is fine. Karl, if you read this, please write.

I've noticed there is still interest concerning Blackbox and I wish to thank people who still e-mail me with membership validation requests.

Blackbox lives, to the chagrin of Microsoft who really don't like people changing the boring look of Windows.

We'll keep fighting, that's for sure.

Keep the faith!

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#2 chris77



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Posted 14 October 2023 - 07:43 AM

Hello Pitkon,

i hope you and your loved ones are feeling better again!

I would like to help but since xoblite doesn't have any Sourcode available.

I'm currently working on bbZero to revive it.
I asked qwilk for the Sourcode 2 years ago but to date there has been no response.

Maybe you could do something about it?


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